Saturday, December 27, 2014

We find our beloved USA and your efforts in resolving the many issues we face. Over the last decade, we have managed to allow our mighty administration at the head of the table to dwindle down with our counsel being received as if it were that of a child making

We find our beloved USA and your efforts in resolving the many issues we face. Over the last decade, we have managed to allow our mighty administration at the head of the table to dwindle down with our counsel being received as if it were that of a child making, A suggestion on how to corect the world of evil: everyone thinks and everyone knows it is a tragedy, but no one takes it seriously. To put it politely, you all are about as successful in as an overweight middle-aged American with a severe case of tetanus trying to perform fellatio on yourself. Understanding that you have the attention span of indigenous rogue Federal personnel of government of law undergoing training, for decades !!! In This invasive practices and technology is design to avoid detection and blame for the offending parties. regardless that they are your own federal officers of NSA and FBI. They give a bad name to the federal government as federal officers that they are. While making a living hell for us civilian. In the other hand there are good federal officers and other government personnel and civilians that will come forward if an investigation comes form washington D.C and '''Not" from South Florida. This is why they put me in a thoughtless mind frame with the Microchips Implants (RFID Chip) and (Nanotechnology) !!! This invasive practices and technology is design to avoid detection and blame for the offending parties. All of this is committed with the sophisticated technology they use in their field office. This sophisticated government technology of computer software another name for it is the star wars supercomputer and these are some of its capability (RNM) can send encoded signals to the brain’s auditory cortex thus allowing audio communication direct to the brain bypassing the ears. NSA & FBI operatives use this to covertly debilitate a subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations (RNM) is also used to send images direct to the visual cortex bypassing the eyes and optic Nerves to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subject’s brain electromagnetic pulse system ( MDD 1 ) Is about robotic mind control software. In addition, the endless capability of this sophisticated classified computer Technology that is beyond any Civilians Imagination, in effort to terrorize and demoralize me as the target individual. For the purpose of killing or imprisoning (me as the target individual) and engaging in extreme calumny, slander and disinformation against (me the target individual, By surveilling me 24\7 In real time, also by sending (me as the target individual, Specified codes messages using trigger words Numbers and phrases to enhance the terrorist effects by hideous actions and generally engaging in Uncivil abrasive actions against (me the target individual into physical confrontation and to lure me into performing some type of Unacceptable conduct, Those who aid and condone the actions of these Corrupt federal officers and their barbaric crimes are also Criminals by default. Who fail in their responsibility and swore an Oath to hold the law to stop the crimes of terrorism, high treason, child molestation, rape, murder, drug trafficking, drugs smuggling racketeering, by also putting hatred in the Hispanic people of south Florida against the American people, Officer Ricky Sanchez. I am bringing awareness to society and all branches of the federal government and local government as an ex member of your drug ring operation from behind NSA and FBI door’s out of Dade County Florida. I am being Help by a small group of Officers that believe In Justices. My participation in the gang of corrupt FBI & NSA officers Purpose was for the transportation of their drug ring, which they arranged for me and other civilians Truck Drivers to Pass the Checkpoints while they were Monitoring Us and Guiding Us Through the (DOT) checkpoints. With the sophisticated Monitoring technology, they instructed me to look directly into the eyes of the (DOT) officers when I looked directly into their eyes the (DOT) officers were not able to look directly into my eyes and proceeded on giving us the green light to Go On ahead. This ability of the classified technology surveillance computer software is being use to manipulate and confuse any individual. In my case the DOT officer were put in a thoughtless mind frame. For the safe passage of their drugs to one of their safe house in south Florida, This is the reason they have made ten’s of millions of dollars. In addition offering protection to the local kingpins for the distribution of these corrupt NSA & FBI own drugs. At the same time providing protection surveillance covert intelligence gathering, besides enforcement obtaining information from their own databases, and passing such information directly to the drug traffickers these officers are rewarded with an undisclosed amount of wealth and the service of prostitutes and for the gain of more power in their own organize crime family. In addition to control over the drug trafficking Drug Smuggling World of South Florida, and yes these corrupt officers due rest criminal "is the politics they play to stay under the radar from Washington, DC. "This classified sophisticated technology of hi tech electronic devices an computers is dealing with the art of science and applying scientific knowledge to practice. This is a real dangerous technology in the hands of these corrupt personal of government. Who are taking advantage and are committing all kinds of crimes? In addition, forcing the code blue among colleagues and paying off other ones for their silence and protection. I am one of the few living witness of their barbaric crimes who worked hand and hand with these corrupt officers, my testimony will put these barbaric Federal Officers behind bars for life, My Name is Rene Del Toro, I live now in Joppa MD 21085 my phone is 443-465-8964 and address 1006 Trimble Rd Joppa, MD 21085 “We have reached a sad point in history at which Americans’ freedom is not being threatened from outside, but rather from our own government and our politicians who run it. Yes, there are many around the world, whether they are terrorists or nations who harbor them, who would do us harm if given the opportunity, and who would love to rob us of our liberties. However, with a national defense that represents almost half the entire world’s military spending, we are well equipped to deal with those internal threats. and with your complete lack of a spine in dealing with rogue federal officers who have committed barber crimes against civilians and threats to their family members , we find ourselves, for the first time in ages, being looked at with eyes filled with disdain and disrespect. The mere mention of ‘America’ leaves a bad taste in the mouths of our friends and allies. The prospects of being saved by our once-great nation are now nothing more than a fleeting thought in the hearts and minds of We the People and Third World Country natives who dream of a life with fewer hardships than ones they currently face hardships that could be vanquished by the hands of a great nation and its allies. We have entered into a time in which it is not only possible to spread one’s hate filled rhetoric, it is also actually profitable and protected. Your understanding and misinterpretations of our founding freedoms are being used and twisted to further your own political agendas without any consideration for the people you are meant to represent. Your understanding (or lack thereof) of our Constitution contributes to the complete madness of a country that is run where someone’s rights to desecrate the flag that represents these very freedoms is more important than the patriotic peoples who stand to protect it. Allowing people to lose thery homes or be fined for flying the American flag on their property due to it offending someone or being against a housing covenants is beyond ludicrous. It’s both absurd and frightening. These are just a few examples of countless rights that are being used to tear the very fabric of which this country is founded. You see, all of you have forgotten the very key that makes this country work. You fight for one’s freedoms to express their beliefs regardless of where their loyalties lie. Using our very own founding documents, you argue that it is ones right to speak and act freely on their beliefs, regardless of their view of this great nation. For fear of offending someone to pure political motivations, you stand up for the very people that wish to tear you down. in addition as well as you, as well as most Americans have forgotten is this: Those individual rights end where others begin! It may be ones right to protest a certain religions display or another’s stance on certain political views, however, it is also the others right to display and have those stand points. If one is offended by a shirt displayed with an image of a american flag of our nation, a statue representing their faith in their chosen religion or any other example; that is their right to be offended and speak out. However, it is the others right to wear that shirt, fly that flag, display that statue or whatever else they wish to do. Freedom cannot be one-sided. The complete madness of political correctness is overwhelming. You have stripped away our 1st Amendment rights by disguising it as political correctness and making the very people that make this country great afraid of offending any and everyone. I use these examples in our own country as the catalyst that has spawned our current position on the global stage. Through political motivation or just complete incompetence, your methods of governing our country have clouded your views and thought processes for helping forge a united world. We stand at the table, with weak knees and shivering hands. Our word as a nation holding as much weight as that of our President doing curls in the gym. We have all seen the video…We live in a world where you can contest our very lands with flyovers without consequence. A world where one can sweep through two entire countries, massacring everyone along the way with no fear repercussions. One where sanctions and empty threats are wielded as a mighty sword against the very enemies that threaten our existence. You fail to see that in today’s world, the pen is not mightier than the sword. You have demonstrated this time and time again over the last decade of years. The evils of the world find protection behind the shield of your politics. This is due to one simple fact. You have no clue how to play this game. You listen and make decisions based of your Subject Matter. You base your strategies on the opinions of ‘Think Tanks’ and conventional wisdom. The answers to these problems being spoken by the men and woman who are being victimized and torture only to be silenced by ‘yes men’. Due to this, you will continue to fail. Not only will you fail, you will fail in bringing peace and security back into this world. All of these failures will be caused by you because of one simple factor: none of you have the intestinal fortitude to do what is necessary. You will use your own misguided experiences and delusions gained in your failures in governing our own country as the grounds on which you base your strategies. But understand this, you can’t defeat government corruption with butterflies and rainbows. And you sure as hell can’t do it with pens and empty words. Face it, for the most part, our Policy is a joke and your efforts on the global stage are nothing short of pathetic. Not going into the fact that you all are voted in for the people by the people to do a job, a job in which you are failing. At least you all aren’t receiving a ridiculous paycheck and benefits package for providing a public service. oh wait…Our saving grace is that there are still a handful of you that will find this, as frustrating as it is, accurate and motivating. But, then again, if that was the case, then we wouldn’t find ourselves in this situation. We have faith in our abilities as a nation as well to destroy the current threats to the world,, given the freedoms and support required. You have failed. It is time to hand that Capri Sun and straw over before you put your eye out. You’ve been poking at that hole for some time now. You gave it your best lil buddies, but. It is time to unleash the hounds. You will not defeat the current evils in this world by playing your political chess games because it is spreading at an alarming rate. Unleash your voice and let it be heard. Stand behind us. History has shown us that evil is only successful when the righteous stand aside and do nothing. Let us show the world that it will not tolerate the likes That there most certainly are repercussions for committing atrocities. Justice will come to them swift and brutal. let us do what is necessary” for the America that we once had

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