Barbaric corruption by federal officers Sanchez with his corrupt colleagues has realizing that the pressure is on. In this cat and mouse game that they are playing and will continue to play until their gang of corrupt officers are arrested Is why I bring awareness to the Federal Justice Departments and will continue to bring awareness, to all federal agencies just like the one Sanchez and his colleagues work at. Which is gathering information on social networks and on the population, this is for the Federal agencies to realize. Who are their colleagues in south Florida, By I exposing there crimes of Atrocities that are being committing by Sanchez and his Colleagues against their own government and civilians? So let us go back in time Sanchez. When you were in your Government car with the black officer and you were telling him that you took care of me all my life. Why were you lying to him? you have to explain why you and your colleagues would image yourself raping civilian children and how you and your colleagues were having Sex with thirteen and fourteen year old little girl remember Sanchez, And even some of your own colleagues are talking behind your back and are calling you a Errol Flynn, I will define Errol Flynn. Errol Flynn was none among his peers to be a bisexual pedophile, Remember way back when you were pretending to be listening to the same music I listen too. Which is not in the same language I listen to, let us not forget about your colleagues that you call brother put me in a mind frame for two straight weeks in a 1980 mariel mentality, which I wouldn’t know how to think in Spanish even if I tried to, or care to. Let us talk about when you were in the classic car and gave a black eye to the probation officer who was at the time my probation officer, let us not forget about your family member Rosa Sanchez who happens to work along with her daughter as Us Marshall at FDC Miami Florida, Federal Bureau of Prison. Was dressed in her sanitaria clothes in addition how much you wanted me to believe in your religion. Therefore, for me praise her as a sanitaria goddess. In addition, let us not forget how you wanted me to date Rosa daughter. For the reassurance of my silences, I replied neither any beaver nor any money in the world could stop me from exposing you for what you federal officers are. I am exposing a few of your crimes and leaving the details of the atrocities for behind closed doors. In addition, you and your colleagues were telling your supervisor how could you cover up the crimes and fix our federal careers. Remember that you were discussing with your colleagues about the predicament uses where In. Then you proceeded to look at the other supervisor and told him are you going to let Raymond have us arrested, then your colleagues joint in while you were discussing. We are all in the same predicament, as you and your colleague’s were deciding to get rid of the threats to your exposure, remember how you brag that the whole system is corrupt. Is what you and your colleagues where discussing that the whole system is corrupt, that’s why it makes it easier In South Florida to cover up crimes committed by officers of law who are committing crimes of Drug trafficking Drug smuggling Rapes Child-Molestation and Murderous. You see Sanchez there are Law-Abiding Officers Out there that do not know about you and your Colleagues running a drug ring from behind government doors. Let us not forget how your corrupt group of officers blackmail other officers and paid off other officers to keep your secrets. Let us see how you and your colleagues will do in the truth room. In addition, you and your colleagues threatened to kill my family. If you and your colleagues were investigated let’s not forget how you involved all your family members in your crime world, along with some of your colleagues’ family members, How about you and your colleagues Telling when you guys were going to kill me Just because I Refuse your bribery. Remember when your colleagues were going to pay me a visit at my home. because of my direct threat to your exposure Is one of the reason I had to move from Florida to another State so your Boy’s could not give me a visit at my home or On the Road Even throw you and your Colleagues could make it look like accident. Were I live at Now. How you were bragging, it could not and will not ever happen to us Raymond; those were your exact words Officer Ricky Sanchez. I am bringing awareness to society and all branches of the federal government as an ex member of their drug ring operation out of Dade County Florida. I’m alive because I’m being Help by a small group of Officers that believe In Justices and due process of the Law, The ex-member that I was my sole purpose was for the transportation for their drug ring. Which they Arranged for me and other civilians Truck Drivers to Pass the Check Points while they were Monitoring Us and Guiding Us Through the (DOT) check points. we were told to Look directly In to the eyes of the (DOT) officers when we looked directly Into their eyes of the (DOT) officers the officers will Look at the Ground and they were not able to look Into my Eyes and as they were turning away they will give me the Green Light to Go On my Way. This is one of the ability of the classified electronic surveillance software. This is for the simple reason this Technology has made them in the ten’s of million’s of dollars. In addition, offering protection to the local kingpins for the gain of wealth and power in organize crime. To control over the drug trafficking Drug Smuggling World of South Florida. They are using thee technology in their Field office to commit this crimes. This invasive practices and technology is design to avoid detection and blame for the offending parties. These are the Tools they use out of there field office with this software ( RNM ) can send encoded signals to the brain’s auditory cortex thus allowing audio communication direct to the brain bypassing the ears. NSA & FBI operatives use this to covertly debilitate a subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations (RNM) is also used to send images direct to the visual cortex bypassing the eyes and optic Nerves to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subject’s brain. In addition the endless capability of this Classified Technology which is beyond any Civilians Imaginations. I was approach numerous times to take a five million dollars bribery to end the pursuit of their incarceration. Is there an improper political reason that charges against the usage of classified star war-supercomputer could not be use as evidence for reason of secrets of national security I have an open and shut case. In addition, the officers that are protecting me will come forward and testify along with me. Your investigation will proof that I was not an experiment of the military or of the CIA. But Instead was a force Member of Sanchez Corrupt Group of NSA-FBI Officers I most Apologize and beg of you to read in between the lines and Not to allowed this illegal improper political issues to win the fight of this corrupt groups of federal officers
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