Sunday, February 19, 2012

Patriot of The Constitution and the Bill's of Right's

Speaking collectively and not individually, you the House of Representatives, you,the Senate and, you, the Executive Branch are ruining my country and I demand that you STOP. I sent you to Washington to represent me. I trusted you to act in a manner that would protect my ability to act in any manner I desire that does not infringe on the rights of another to fulfill my life. You have not only failed to protect that ability,but have actually minimized it.There are less than 600 of you who bear this responsibility.You have created this mess. You who are supposed to protect all that my country represents have failed to do so. It is not  Wall Streets fault. It is not the banks fault. It is not Acorn's fault. It is not the lobbyist's fault. It is not industry's fault. It is your fault. As a body you have symbolically taken our flag, our constitution and our bill of rights and effectively torn them up and discarded them like refuse. You have injected the poison of the pride of politics into the very heart of our country with debilitating effect. This is not about you-it is about me, my family, my friends, my community and the sovereign state in which I live. I did not send you to Washington to represent you. I sent you to Washington to represent me. Your job only exists because I gave you the commission to represent me. I am not interested in your personal agenda or the personal agendas of your peers. Your job is a job of service to others, to act in their behalf in their best interest. Your job is the noblest of ventures-to lose yourself in the service of others. In short- in my best interest and the best interest of my neighbors and friends-and yours. It is a job that requires humility,  not pride and arrogance.This is a sacred trust you have taken upon yourself. You may have the most difficult job in the world. You chose this job. No one forced you to take it. If you do it well we can't pay you enough. If you do it well we cannot adequately express our gratitude. If you do not do it well, we can't get rid of you soon enough. and to come to a compromise that fills my needs, the guy across the street and those in our country whose needs may be different. The great distinction between needs and wants is something you have missed altogether. You are not my Parents Nor my Siblings, You are not my Spouse Nor my partner or a Relative. It is not your job to provide for me, but to " •• establish justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of liberty to ourselves and our Posterity." Don't you understand this? Don't you get it? You represent me with the same code of ethics as my attorney, my doctor and if I have one, my spiritual leader. You told me when I elected you that you knew how to properly represent me, and you gave me your word of honor that you would only act in my best interest protecting my rights to become me-- not to become what you think I should be. "However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." GEORGE WASHINGTON, Farewell Address, Sept. 17,1796 It is time to STOP. STOP all of the bickering, the cajoling, the backbiting, the finger pointing. Stop blaming everyone else. Stop trying to cement your power base. Stop trying to grab the lime light. Stop!!!
ult. It is not Acorn's fault. It is not the lobbyist's fault. It is not industry's fault. It is your fault. As a body you have symbolically taken our flag, our constitution and our bill of rights and effectively torn them up and discarded them like refuse. You have injected the poison of the pride of politics into the very heart of our country with debilitating effect. This is not about you-it is about me, my family, my friends, my conm.mity and the sovereign state in which I live. I did not send you to Washington to represent you. I sent you to Washington to represent me. Your job only exists because I gave you the commission to represent me. I am not interested in your personal agenda or the personal agendas of your peers. Your job is a job of service to others, to act in their behalf in their best interest. Your job is the noblest of ventures-to lose yourself in the service of others. In short- in my best interest and the best interest of my neighbors and friends-and yours. It is a job that requires humility,  not pride and arrogance.This is a sacred trust you have taken upon yourself. You may have the most difficult job in the world. You chose this job. No one forced you to take it. If you do it well we can't pay you enough. If you do it well we cannot adequately express our gratitude. If you do not do it well, we can't get rid of you soon enough. and to come to a compromise that fills my needs, the guy across the street and those in our country whose needs may be different. The great distinction between needs and wants is something you have missed altogether. You are not my mother, my father, my sister or my brother. You are not my husband, my Wife, or my partner. It is not your job to provide for me, but to " •• establish justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of liberty to ourselves and our Posterity." Don't you understand this? Don't you get it? You represent me with the same code of ethics as my attorney, my doctor and if I have one, my spiritual leader. You told me when I elected you that you knew how to properly represent me, and you gave me your word of honor that you would only act in my best interest protecting my rights to become me-- not to become what you think I should be. "However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." GEORGE WASHINGTON, Farewell Address, Sept. 17,1796 It is time to STOP. STOP all of the bickering, the cajoling, the backbiting, the finger pointing. Stop blaming everyone else. Stop trying to cement your power base. Stop trying to grab the lime light. Stop!!!

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